leadership- poster
HR3S09 and HR3H13 Leadership and Management Poster Assessment
Term 1 2015-16
Poster to Critically Evaluate Transformational Leadership Theory and Apply to Leadership Practice
You are required to produce an individualposter which critically evaluates transformational leadership theory, applies critiqued theory to a leader’s transformational practice(of your choice)and comments on how theory fits with practice in relation to your chosen leader.
You are to produce a poster on 1 side of A4 and the references should be provided on a second page.It can be presented in portrait or landscape style.
The poster will be handed in electronically using Turnitin. You will be assessed on:
• Your introduction to transformational leadership and the leader being examined;
• yourcritique of transformational leadership theory (brief examination of antecedents, definition(s) etc then a critique of an a particular focused aspect of transformational leadership where you compare/contrast different theorists etc.);
• the leadership practice of your leader in relation to your focused critique of an particular aspect of transformational leadership;
• yourcommentaryon the fit between your focused critique of transformational leadership theory and your leader’s practice (or lack of it!);
• the innovation and creativity of your poster design and the clarity of your key messages.
Please use the guidance below for each section
1.2 The Theoretical Topic
You will briefly introduce the concept of Transformational Leadership demonstrating that you understand the seminal work on this topic. You will then focus down on a particular aspect of transformational leadership and demonstrate that you have criticallyreviewed theoretical work from a range of appropriate sources in relation to your topic. This must include peer reviewed journals and you should evaluate both seminal and contemporary work. You will appropriately reference your work in line with University guidance. You will focus on the key points of evaluation from your literature review in your poster. Please ensure that you use the Harvard referencing system (see guidance on Unilife).
1.3 The Practice
You will show an insightful understanding of relevant practice in relation to your chosen leader in relation to your focused critical evaluation of a particular aspect of transformational leadership. You will have researched this using a range of secondary sources and give clear and precise examples of practice. Again these should be referenced. Here you may consider using endnotes for your references so that you use up less space on your poster.
1.4 Commentary on the fit between Theory and Practice (or lack of fit!)
You will provide specific commentary on where and how the practice which you have discovered fits (or does not fit) with the theory which you have outlined. You will consider commenting at two levels:
• whether your detailed critique of the theory meets with your specific examples of practice (which is likely to be the case since you are seeking the examples to illustrate practice);
• whether there are examples of your leader’s practice which do not fit with practice;
• whether you could use different leadership theories in relation to the same practice (as leadership theories often over-lap).
This is a key component of the assignment and you will provide clear messages in relation to commentary in your poster.
1.5 Innovation, Creativity and Key Messages
You will be assessed on how innovatively and creatively you have communicated your key messages in relation to the theory, practice and the commentary on the fit between theory and practice. You should avoid simply presenting a short essay on one side of A4 and think about using tables, mind maps etc so that you use the design to reinforce your messages. Your poster needs to have visual impact and thereby stimulate curiosity and interest and you will be marked in relation to this. Marks will not be awarded for your IT skills in putting it together. For example, the poster can be hand drawn and photographed and then sent in electronically. Visual impact and clarity are the important issues here.
Your key messages must be effectively communicated. You should use an excellent standard of English so that all your spellings and grammar are correct. You should proof read your work so that there are no typographical areas. It should be clearly legible.
You will be presenting this through Turnitin and you should check your submission to make sure that it is all clearly legible as Turnitin can change the format of things. Decide on what file format you are going to use and make sure that it works with Turnitin very early on in your schedule by inputting an early version.
In putting together your poster you are advised draw up a clear schedule of activity and think about the key messages, the design, the production and revisions so that you hand in a poster which you have produced to the very best of your ability.
1.6 Assessment
Assessment Weightings
The assessment of different aspects of your poster will be % weighted as follows:
Critical review of the theoretical topic relating to leadership 35
Understanding of relevant practice in relation to the individual leader 35
Commentary on the fit between theory and practice 20
Innovation and creativity of poster design and the clarity of key messages 10
Total 100%
Assessment Criteria
Your work will be given an overall mark which will into one of the following degree classifications. Essentially, at Level 6 we will be assessing your overall criticality and an overall descriptor for each category is provided below. If you obtain an F2 grade you will have failed to have evidenced criticality in your work whilst a mark above 80% evidences exceptional criticality.
Fail F1
Narrow Fail Third 2:2 2:1 First First
0-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100%
No criticality Descriptive and/or limited criticality Reasonable criticality Good criticality Very good criticality Excellent criticality Exceptional criticality
You are advised to read the detailed criteria at the end of this document alongside the generic University of Wales Business School Undergraduate criteria which are also given.
1.7 Assignment Hand in Date
Individual poster submitted via Turnitinby Friday 4th December 2015
Please also give tutor an A3 hard copy of your poster (as arranged with your tutor). You should be able to arrange with the University print shop for this hard copy to be printed but make sure that you make arrangements for this in good time.
The standard University policy in relation to penalties for late submission/non submission will apply.
If you face any extenuating circumstances please seek advice from the Advice Shop and put in a claim as soon as the circumstances arise. Please note the regulations in relation to the “Fit to Sit”policy.